AquaBioTech Group (ABT) is an independent aquaculture, fisheries, biotechnology and environmental testing/research, engineering, consulting, development, and training company with its own dedicated research and marine survey facilities. ABT operates globally, specializing in three main areas:
a) aquaculture and fisheries consultancy from resource management and market research to policy development and feasibility, due diligence studies;
b) contracted aquaculture research for feed development, pharmaceutical testing and breeding programmes;
c) design and commissioning of land based and marine aquaculture production systems and technologies.

ABT is currently involved in eleven national and European projects in diverse marine and aquatic disciplines. ABT Marine™ runs its own survey vessels and infrastructure, provides a range of services including marine surveying, environmental impact assessment and mapping/GIS. The team includes marine biologists, scientific divers, oceanographers, and remote sensing experts who can conduct bathymetric, side-scan sonar, benthic surveys, ecological risk assessments, marine species identification, sampling, laboratory analysis, ground-truthing, site inspections using remote sensing, SCUBA diving, and underwater video techniques.